99 research outputs found


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    Omladinski turizam u Hrvatskoj je u fazi razvoja i pokazuje mogućnosti uključivanja u svjetske tokove omladinskog turizma. Mladi se sve više uključuju u turizam. Mnoge su razlike izmeĎu tradicionalnog turista i pripadnika omladinskog turizma. Dok tradicionalni turisti imaju labilan plan putovanja te su skloni promjenama tijekom trajanja turističkog putovanja, pripadnici omladinskog turizma imaju strogo isplanirano putovanje koji za cilj imaju upoznavanja lokalnih običaja i kulture, školovanje i doživljavanje destinacija kroz direktnu interakciju s lokalnim stanovništvom. Osim toga, razlike se očituju i u načinu informiranja o putovanjima, organizaciji putovanja, osobito motivaciji za odabir destinacije. Velike su sličnosti ponašanja mladih u Hrvatskoj i onih u svijetu. Zajednička su im svakako ograničena financijska sredstva, unatoč kojima mladi ipak putuju i žele još više putovati. Volja za još više putovanja kod mladih ljudi je činjenica da će ovaj oblik turizma nastaviti svoj rast. Turizam mladih je važno turističko tržište za budućnost, jer mladi ljudi pomiču granice i stvaraju nove poveznice izmeĎu svih aktera na turističkom tržištu čime formiraju čvrst temelj za daljnji razvoj turizma mladih. Hrvatska još uvijek nema dovoljno podataka i istraživanja o putovanjima mladih, no rastući trend ovog turizma zasigurno je dobar motiv za daljnja istraživanja. Hrvatska ima potencijala za razvoj u tom segmentu.Youth tourism in Croatia is in a stage of development and shows possibilities for inclusion in world flows of youth tourism. Young people are becoming increasingly involved in tourism. There are many differences between traditional tourists and members of youth tourism. While traditional tourists have an unstable travel plan and are prone to change over the course of the tourist trip, youth tourism members have a planned trip that aims to get to know the local customs and culture, to educate and experience the destinations through direct interaction with the locals. In addition, differences are evident in the way travel information is organized, the organization of the trip, especially the motivation for choosing a destination. There are great similarities between the behavior of young people in Croatia and those in the world. They certainly have limited financial resources in common, despite which young people still travel and want to travel even more. Young people want to travel more and more and that is the fact that this form of tourism will continue to grow. Youth tourism is an important tourism market for the future, as young people are pushing boundaries and creating new links between all actors in the tourism market. Croatia still exploring data and research on youth travel, but the growing trend of this tourism is certainly a good motive for further research. Croatia has potential for development in this segment


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    Omladinski turizam u Hrvatskoj je u fazi razvoja i pokazuje mogućnosti uključivanja u svjetske tokove omladinskog turizma. Mladi se sve više uključuju u turizam. Mnoge su razlike izmeĎu tradicionalnog turista i pripadnika omladinskog turizma. Dok tradicionalni turisti imaju labilan plan putovanja te su skloni promjenama tijekom trajanja turističkog putovanja, pripadnici omladinskog turizma imaju strogo isplanirano putovanje koji za cilj imaju upoznavanja lokalnih običaja i kulture, školovanje i doživljavanje destinacija kroz direktnu interakciju s lokalnim stanovništvom. Osim toga, razlike se očituju i u načinu informiranja o putovanjima, organizaciji putovanja, osobito motivaciji za odabir destinacije. Velike su sličnosti ponašanja mladih u Hrvatskoj i onih u svijetu. Zajednička su im svakako ograničena financijska sredstva, unatoč kojima mladi ipak putuju i žele još više putovati. Volja za još više putovanja kod mladih ljudi je činjenica da će ovaj oblik turizma nastaviti svoj rast. Turizam mladih je važno turističko tržište za budućnost, jer mladi ljudi pomiču granice i stvaraju nove poveznice izmeĎu svih aktera na turističkom tržištu čime formiraju čvrst temelj za daljnji razvoj turizma mladih. Hrvatska još uvijek nema dovoljno podataka i istraživanja o putovanjima mladih, no rastući trend ovog turizma zasigurno je dobar motiv za daljnja istraživanja. Hrvatska ima potencijala za razvoj u tom segmentu.Youth tourism in Croatia is in a stage of development and shows possibilities for inclusion in world flows of youth tourism. Young people are becoming increasingly involved in tourism. There are many differences between traditional tourists and members of youth tourism. While traditional tourists have an unstable travel plan and are prone to change over the course of the tourist trip, youth tourism members have a planned trip that aims to get to know the local customs and culture, to educate and experience the destinations through direct interaction with the locals. In addition, differences are evident in the way travel information is organized, the organization of the trip, especially the motivation for choosing a destination. There are great similarities between the behavior of young people in Croatia and those in the world. They certainly have limited financial resources in common, despite which young people still travel and want to travel even more. Young people want to travel more and more and that is the fact that this form of tourism will continue to grow. Youth tourism is an important tourism market for the future, as young people are pushing boundaries and creating new links between all actors in the tourism market. Croatia still exploring data and research on youth travel, but the growing trend of this tourism is certainly a good motive for further research. Croatia has potential for development in this segment

    The role of drug-coated balloons in endovascular interventions

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    The drug coated balloons are evolution in treatment of clotted blood vessels. The era of interventional endovascular medicine began with balloon dilatation, further progress represented bare metal stents and after that drug eluting stents. In the last few years, interventional cardiology recognized the need for further evolution in treating clotted arteries.1 The concept of DCB is distribution of cytostatic drug (most commonly Paclitaxel) locally through a balloon, which is blocking uncontrolled hyperplasia of the endothelium, most common cause of restenotic lesions. This is done to prevent implanting a permanent metal, and to shorten the usage of antiaggregation therapy. The main components of DCB are balloon drug and drug carrier. Drug carrier is very important in technical concept of successfully designed DCB. DCB is usually used as conventional balloon except avoiding hand contact with the surface of the balloon is necessary because it can damage the drug. The targeted drug delivery needs to be quick because the drug releases its substance at the moment when its entries in blood flow. Ideal drug delivery for coronary intervention to the vessel lesion is 60 seconds (time from entering in blood flow till finishing inflating the balloon). Indications for DCB usage in coronary interventions are in stent restenosis, coronary narrow lesions. DCB has wide usage in interventions of peripheral arteries. It’s more common usage of DCB in “de novo” coronary artery lesions after adequate preparation of the lesion with various methods (scoring balloons, cutting balloons, NC balloons). In now days DCB are unavoidable cardiac catheterization laboratory tool and whose usage is on the rise. For further expansion of indications and growing number of interventions additional study evaluations needs to be done

    Program cjelovitog spolnog odgoja Teen STAR

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    Prilog predstavlja program cjelovitog spolnog odgoja djece i omladine Teen STAR koji se provodi u tridesetak zemalja svijeta, a od prije nekoliko godina i u Hrvatskoj. Autorica polazi od nasušne potrebe pozitivnog i pametnog seksualnog odgoja mladih jer oni obično prve informacije dobivaju iz kaotičnih izvora koji su podređeni konzumističko-marketinškim ciljevima, a što pak sve ima tragične posljedice: neplanirane trudnoće, pobačaji, spolno prenosive bolesti i neplodnost. Teen STAR je odgojni program za adolescente u kojem se velika pozornost poklanja formaciji osobe. On se temelji na isticanju njezinog neprocjenjivog dostojanstva, kao i na izazovu osobne slobode u donošenju odluke. U članku se osim toga u glavnim crtama izlažu temeljne sastavnice ovoga programa, njegovi rezultati te mogućnosti njegovog provođenja

    Decadence in Translation: Charles Baudelaire and Oscar Wilde as Considered by Antun Šoljan and Ivan Slamnig

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    The article considers the traits of Ivan Slamnig and Antun Šoljan’s translation of Oscar Wilde’s poem “The Harlot’s House” in the anthology Suvremena engleska poezija (Contemporary English Poetry), and of Slamnig’s translation of Charles Baudelaire’s poem “Le parfum” in Šoljan’s Antologija moderne poezije zapadnoga kruga (Anthology of Modern Western Poetry). In his theoretical reflections on the problems of literary translation, grounded in his own translation practice, Ivan Slamnig paid particular attention to the translation of poetry, which he explicitly distinguished from the translation of prose by using the term “poetic translation” (prepjev - version). He also stressed that in poetry, as opposed to prose, where the content possesses a larger degree of independence from its concrete textual realisation, semantic and acoustic potentials of any language are particularly intensified and it is therefore impossible to view them as isolated structural elements of a poem in translation. On the basis of translational analysis, the anthological models of approaching the poem and the models of literary interpretation are established, which are then measured against the ideas of modernism and decadence exposed by Slamnig and Šoljan in their concept of the literature of the Western world


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    Članak razmatra odnos između tzv. visoke te popularne i folklorne književnosti u hrvatskoj recepciji irske književnosti i kulture, i to s književnopovijesnoga – točnije, (post)modernističkoga – stajališta. Prvi se aspekt toga odnosa ilustrira na primjerima hrvatskih prijevoda dramskih tekstova Johna Millingtona Syngea i njihova osobita spoja folklorne i visoke književnosti i kulture. Nakon toga, analizira se prikaz Jamesa Joycea, kao još jednoga klasika irskoga modernizma, u drami suvremenoga hrvatskog dramatičara Borisa Senkera Pulisej, koja nudi postmodernu reinskripciju Uliksa utemeljenu na ludičkome propitivanju povijesti te kulturnih i nacionalnih identiteta. Potonje se pitanje naglašuje i u trećemu dijelu rada, koji je usredotočen na općenite predodžbe o „irskosti“ u poeziji drugoga hrvatskog postmodernog autora – Tahira Mujičića (Irski Iranec i iranski Irec), također poznatoga po ludičkome spajanju „visoke“ tradicije i popularne kulture. Radom se nastoji pokazati da se popularne predodžbe i književne prikazbe mogu kretati u različitim smjerovima prilikom prelaženja nacionalnih granica i pritom rezultirati različitim spojevima istosti i različitosti, ozbiljnosti i humora, kao i visoke i niske književnosti i kulture.This article explores the relationship between high and popular/folk culture in the Croatian reception of Irish literature and culture, viewing it from a literary-historical – i.e. (post) modernist perspective. Its first aspect is illustrated through the Croatian translations of John Millington Synge’s texts and his specific blend of folk and high literature and culture. This is followed by the analysis of the representation of James Joyce, as another Irish modern classic, in a play by the contemporary Croatian dramatist Boris Senker (Pulisej), a postmodern reinscription of Ulysses based on the playful interrogation of history and cultural and national identities. The last issue is highlighted in the third aspect as well, focusing this time on the general representations of Irishness in the poetry of another Croatian postmodern author, Tahir Mujičić (Irski Iranec i Iranski Irec), also known for his playful conflation of ‘high’ tradition and popular culture. The aim is to show how popular images and literary representations take different directions when crossing national borders, and result in various combinations and interplays of sameness and difference, seriousness and humor, as well as high and low domains of literature and culture

    Identification of Crizotinib Major Degradation Products Obtained Under Stress Conditions by RP-UHPLC-HRMS

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    The pharmaceutical industry routinely performs stability testing on new compounds before they are marketed to ensure their efficacy, quality, and safety. The focus of this study was to apply forced degradation as one of the stability testing methods to investigate the stability of crizotinib, an anticancer drug, and to gain insight into the degradation pathway and degradation products formed. The forced degradation study for crizotinib was performed under acidic and alkaline hydrolysis, oxidation, photolysis and thermal conditions. Drug degradation was observed under oxidative conditions. The structures of the three major degradation products formed by oxidative degradation were identified and characterized by UHPLC/QTOF/MS/MS studies and their possible fragmentation pathways were suggested. The toxicity evaluation of the tested compound and its proposed degradation products was also estimated using the computer program TEST (Toxicity Estimation Software Tool). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Mining in the Principality of Serbia 1859-1873

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    U radu je prikazan i analiziran razvoj rudarstva u Kneževini Srbiji 60-ih godina XIX veka, sa posebnim akcentom na tri glavna rudnika iz kojih je vađena ruda u tom periodu: Majdanpek, Kučajna i Podgorski rudnici. Prikazani su napori koje je preduzimala srpska država kako bi podstakla razvoj ove industrijske grane, posle neuspeha koje je doživela tokom 50-ih godina XIX veka, kada je jedan od najvećih rudnika - Majdanpek - bio u vlasništvu države. Ukazano je na razloge koji su doveli do sve većeg prodora stranog kapitala u rudarstvo Srbije, ali i na pojedine pokušaje inženjera i drugih lica iz Srbije da započnu rudarsku proizvodu. Poseban deo rada posvećen je kretanju državnih prihoda i rashoda od rudarstva u Kneževini Srbiji tokom navedenog perioda. Donja hronološka granica određena je ugovorom koji je srpska vlada potpisala sa "Francusko-srpskim društvom" o zakupu Majdanpeka (1859), dok gornju hronološku granicu predstavlja donošenje Zakona o potpomaganju industrijskih preduzeća iz 1873. godine.The development of mining in the Principality of Serbia in the 1860s was determined by the previous years, especially during the reign of Ustavobranitelji when government initiative in Majdanpek came to a halt. In the 1860s, the main points of interest were the mine of Majdanpek, Kučajna, and the mines in the Podgora region. The two former were owned by foreign capital, whilst the latter was being researched by Stevan Đuričić around 1867. The mining in Majdanpek was done by the French-Serbian Society between 1859 and 1866, when the operation was taken over by The Serbian Company for Iron and Copper. Kučajna was being worked on by a German mining expert, Felix Hofman, between 1862 and 1873. During this period, the Mining Law of 1866 was passed, setting the foundation for further improvement of mining operations in the Principality/Kingdom of Serbia. During the 1860s most of the state income concerning mining came from the regal tax which had to be payed in order for one to acquire a permission for ore extraction. Most of the expenses went to financing the mining offices in Majdanpek, the directory of mines in Krupanj, various mining investments, as well as scholarships for students studying abroad. It should be said that the incomes, as well as the expenses, were symbolic when compared to the overall state incomes/expenses, making up less than 0.1% of the state incomes and expenses. This created a situation where the state could not count on any major incomes from mining, with an increase in expenses coming only at the end of the period in question due to greater state financing of mine in the Podrinje region


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    Sea buckthorn is one of the most prominent plants containing important nutrients essential for our health. Bioactive compounds are found in the pulp and in the seeds of the fruit. Sea buckthorn oil can be used in food supplementation, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. In this study supercritical CO2 extraction of oil from sea buckthorn berries was performed at pressure 300 bar, temperature 40 °C and CO2 flow rate 2 kg/h. Fatty acid composition of oil was determined by gas chromatography, and amount of tocopherols using HPLC. In defatted cake after supercritical extraction the amount of remained oil, fibre and protein content were also determined. The initial oil content in sea buckthorn berries was 11.60%. The major fatty acids in oil were palmitic (35%), palmitoleic (20%) and oleic acids (32-35%). The amount of α-tocopherol was 35.99 mg/100g oil, and total tocopherol amount was 71.62 mg/100g oil. In defatted cake cellulose content was determined to be 11.56%, proteins 14.78%, moisture 5.68% and ash 3.16%. Because of high content of bioactive compounds and unique oil composition, this oil is connected with benefits on certain diseases. Defatted cake, which is also rich in many components, can be used as by-product in food industry

    Aktivni i pasivni model u tumačenju kognitivne rezerve

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    Koncept kognitivne rezerve relevantan je pojam u svakoj situaciji u kojoj mozak pretrpi neku povredu, a kao ideja počinje da se javlja usled ponovljenog zapažanja da ne postoji direktna veza između moždane patologije, odnosno oštećenja mozga i kliničke manifestacije tog oštećenja. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se pregledom dostupne literature analizira koncept kognitivne rezerve i prikaže distinkcija između pasivnih i aktivnih modela u tumačenju kognitivne rezerve. Istraživanja pokazuju da kognitivnu rezervu možemo razumeti kao faktor koji modifikuje odnos između patologije mozga i njene kliničke manifestacije, pri čemu viši stepen kognitivne rezerve deluje kao protektivni faktor u razvoju različitih neuroloških simptoma. Pasivni model rezerve usko je vezan sa pojmom kapaciteta rezerve mozga i pretpostavlja da će se klinički deficit pojaviti onda kada se kapacitet rezerve iscrpi preko određenog kritičnog praga. U osnovi aktivnog modela stoje kognitivna rezerva i kompenzatorni mehanizmi mozga. Koncept kognitivne rezerve primenljiv je na skoro svaku situaciju u kojoj je funkcionisanje mozga na neki način poremećeno, te se u literaturi navode stanja poput Alchajmerove demencije, Parkinsonove bolesti, multiple skleroze, traumatske povrede mozga, psihijatrijskih poremećaja, itd. Merenje koginitivne rezerve zavisi od uvažavanja aktivnog ili pasivnog modela pri operacionalizaciji rezerve. Opravdanost izučavanja koncepta kognitivne rezerve može se ogledati u mogućnosti istraživanja varijabilnosti u individualnim performansama, kao i u razumevanju funkcionisanja mozga pod različitim vrstama patologije